CopyPaste for Mac #1 Copy&Paste MultiClip Manager

Price: 30.00
Version: 0.93.9
Latest: 11/26/24
Requires: Mac 10.15-15.3+

CopyPaste for Mac – Copy & Paste, Multiple Clip Manager – New in 2022!

Most people use copy and paste thousands of times a week and would say it’s essential and incredibly useful. The regular clipboard is hugely important but just a single clipboard that disappears with each copy is no longer good enough. Take the old clipboard to the next level, try CopyPaste!

CopyPaste was the first and most popular multiple clipboard utility to retain multiple clipboards that can be displayed, archived and edited. With CopyPaste each copy is remembered in a clip history. It’s like a time machine for the clipboard. See and edit any clip. Save multiple clips through restarts. OCR text to the clipboard. Actions to act on clips. Archives of copies called Clip Sets which save text & images you use often and tag them to create categories. Instantly search thru all your previous copies or cuts. A Clip Menu and Clip Browser to access all clips and Clip Sets in the way you like best. The most sophisticated version of CopyPaste yet.

Augment the clipboard. Enhance productivity. Incredibly useful. Never lose a clipboard again. A time saver & life saver for all Mac users since the last century (1996).

Try all features free. Tap ‘Download below, to start.

The New CopyPaste

Multiple Copy & Paste Clipboard Manager for Mac

Short Summary

CopyPaste is the original clipboard manager (1993) for Mac that remembers all copies and cuts, allowing users to easily find, access, and paste clips from the History and Clip Sets. It has many features listed below. TriggerClip is one of those features, it lets users type a few characters to instantly paste any text, image, spreadsheet, or file from a clip, saving time and effort. CopyPaste has been popular for decades and continues with every new updates to this day.

Larger Summary

Most parts of the Mac OS have changed dramatically over decades but one important part, has remained mostly unchanged since the beginning. That is the clipboard. 
The clipboard has tremendous unused potential. Most people copy to the clipboard & paste from the clipboard hundreds of times a week. We all love this ability and yet we feel the limitations. You may not believe it, but the clipboard can be unleashed and it’s potential revealed. CopyPaste maximizes the potential of the clipboard. Simply download the app, try it free and see for yourself.
The Mac comes with the ability to copy one selected item to the clipboard and paste it in a different location. The regular mac clipboard is useful but unfortunately limited to only one clipboard. When you make a new copy it forgets the previous copy. The clipboard is mysteriously hidden in the background. You can’t access previous copies. You can’t edit a copy. You can’t even see a copy. Yet, the ability to copy and paste is still one of most useful universal features on the Mac.
The regular built in Mac clipboard has 6 major limitations:
1. Holds only one clip at a time.
2. It’s invisible
3. It does not save previous copies which are gone forever
4. When you restart your Mac the clipboard is empty
5. You can’t edit the clipboard
6. There are no tools to act directly on clips.
CopyPaste supplies all those missing features and many more.
Once you launch CopyPaste, each copy is remembered in a Clip History. CopyPaste is like a time machine for the clipboard. See and edit any copied clip from today, yesterday or last month. Save all copied clips through restarts. OCR text direct to the clipboard. CopyPaste has ‘Actions’ that can transform the data in clips in thousands of ways. Clip Sets allow organizing useful clips into sets to archive and maintain boilerplate text & images you often use.

Never lose a clipboard again. Enhance productivity. Incredibly useful. A time saver & life saver for all Mac users since the last century (1996) and updated with the latest Apple technologies and rewritten in Swift for 2022.
CopyPaste augments the ordinary copy & paste to increase your productivity by adding all these features:
  • Clip History – never forget a copy again.
  • Remembers all past clips thru restarts.
  • The content of each clip is visible in the CopyPaste menu.
  • Preview more content, even whole pages, photos and websites, by holding down a hotkey.
  • Each clip in the menu can be pasted various ways.
    • Tap a clip in the menu to paste
    • Paste by typing by hotkey and clip number
    • Paste sequences of clips with a hotkey clip # – clip #
    • Paste from Clip History and any Clip Set
    • Paste from transformed clips via certain ‘Actions’
  • Clip Sets are sets of useful more permanent clips.
  • Transform clips with growing number of Actions like, Extract, Convert, Translate, Clean, Insert, Sort, Stats, Quotes and URL…
  • Actions can be used on the main clipboard, Clip 0.
  • Also on any clip in the Clip History or any Clip Set.
  • Delete any clip anytime you decide.
  • Backup all clips and clip sets.
  • Share clips instantly via iCloud and other ways.
  • Clip Managers allow displaying, editing clips and allows drag&drop of clips between Clip Sets.
  • OCR text anywhere on screen into a clip.
  • Maintains confidentiality of password mangers.
  • Get emojis into clips easily.
  • Paste any clip of formatted text, as plain text, using hotkey into any app.
  • Easy to use right from it’s menu, extends what you already know from past experience.
  • Good Help/Manual for deeper understanding
  • Open clip content in any app.
  • Share clip content to any app.
  • Append unlimited selections to the main clip 0.
  • Numbers all clips in Clipboard History and every Clip Set.
  • Paste via hotkey and the number of the clip.
  • Move clips between clipsets.
  • Open URL’s in a clip with a hotkey.
  • Control the pasteboard types kept in Clip History.
  • Paste direct from any Clip Set by menu or hotkey
  • Paste any number of different clips sequence at once
  • Much more to come…


Once upon a time apps were not multi-tasking. You would use one app at a time. Sharing in these ‘before times’ was difficult. To overcome this early limitation Mac OS was the first to use a system clipboard. The system clipboard allowed copying text or graphic into a ‘system clipboard’ in one app, quitting that app, launching another app and pasting from that same ‘system clipboard’. At that time it was a revolutionary invention and productivity enhancer.

About that time we came out with the original CopyPaste which allowed the Mac to use and remember multiple clipboards from within any app. It remembered 10 clips and was the first multi-clipboard utility for any computer. It became very popular. Overtime new features were added, additional clips, more features like actions on clips, additional clipsets were added to the clip history. Decades passed, now in 2021 another complete rewrite of CopyPaste has taken place. The ancient Mac OS clipboard is the same but anyone can upgrade it by adding CopyPaste.

History Of The Clipboard

Copy and Paste History at Xerox Park

From Wikipedia “Inspired by early line and character editors that broke a move or copy operation into two steps—between which the user could invoke a preparatory action such as navigation—Lawrence G. “Larry” Tesler proposed the names “cut” and “copy” for the first step and “paste” for the second step. Beginning in 1974, he and colleagues at Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) implemented several text editors that used cut/copy-and-paste commands to move/copy text.[4]”

Apple Clipboard History

On 24th January 1984, Apple introduced the Mac. One of the Mac’s unique abilities was the clipboard, which allowed you to copy info from one application and then paste that info into another application. Prior to the Mac and Lisa (another Apple computer model), operating systems had no inter-application communication. The clipboard was revolutionary in 1984. This was the first popularization of copy, cut & paste and the use of a a clipboard with not just text but many media types.

We asked Bruce Horn (creator of the Mac Finder; see below) for some points about the history of the clipboard in computer science.

“The idea of cut/paste existed in Smalltalk (as did all of the modeless editing concepts), but the visible clipboard was created by Apple. I don’t exactly know who thought of showing the contents of the last thing cut; that came out of the Lisa group, so maybe Larry Tesler would know. Tesler was also the originator of modeless text editing at PARC with his Gypsy editor, which then came to the Smalltalk system. The idea of multiple different but simultaneous types on the clipboard was my idea (e.g., text + pict, for example) and used the four-byte resource type, and was first done on the Mac. I think either Andy H. or Steve Capps actually wrote the code for the clipboard (i.e., the scrap manager) on the Mac”. ~ Bruce Horn 2001.

Bruce Horn is definitely one of the people to ask about the history of the clipboard because he was part of the original team that created the Macintosh. He was responsible for the design and implementation of the Finder, Resource Manager, Dialog Manager, the type/creator mechanism for files and applications, and the multi-type clipboard design, among other architectural innovations built into the Macintosh OS. He worked long hours on computers that had very small amounts of RAM memory to create many of the things that we now all take for granted.

Bruce was recruited at the age of 14 by Ted Kaehler to do some programming experiments in Smalltalk, at Alan Kay’s Learning Research Group in the mid-seventies at the Learning Research Group at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). By the time he joined the Mac team in late 1981, he was an expert in object-oriented programming and graphical user interfaces. Bruce went on to work at Eloquent, Inc.; was one of the first employees at Adobe Systems, Inc.; Maya Design Group; and still later the Institute for Industrial Research in Oslo, Norway.

We also asked Steve Capps (another of the original team that created the Mac), and this is what he had to say: “We all three, Bruce, Andy and Steve (Bruce Horn, Andy Hertzfeld and Steve Capps) probably dabbled here and there, but Andy wrote the majority of the code in the initial release (all few hundred bytes of it). He also wrote the scrapbook desk accessory which let you simulate an n-deep clipboard. Bruce should indeed get the credit for the multiple representations of the same data idea — that wasn’t in Lisa as far as I know”. ~ Steve Capps 2006.

If anyone has any additional points or clarifications about the history of the clipboard, please write and tell us. We are always interested.

CopyPaste App History

Once upon a time apps were not multi-tasking. You would use one app at a time. Sharing in these ‘before times’ was difficult. To overcome this early limitation Mac OS was the first to use a system clipboard. The system clipboard allowed copying text or graphic into a ‘system clipboard’ in one app, quitting that app, launching another app and pasting from that same ‘system clipboard’. At that time it was a revolutionary invention and productivity enhancer.

About that time we came out with the original CopyPaste which allowed the Mac to use and remember multiple clipboards from within any app. It remembered 10 clips and was the first multi-clipboard utility for any computer. It became very popular. Overtime new features were added, additional clips, more features like actions on clips, additional clipsets were added to the clip history. Decades passed, now in 2021 another complete rewrite of CopyPaste has taken place. The ancient Mac OS clipboard is the same but anyone can upgrade it by adding CopyPaste.

CopyPaste, the first multiple clipboard utility, was created by Peter Hoerster in 1993. CopyPaste for Mac was the first version. The reason he embarked on the programming was simply to generate the current Bahá’í date on his computer (Peter is a Bahá’í). Having enjoyed learning to do this, he continued programming, and the result was the incredibly popular CopyPaste for Mac OS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

The Latest Version

Macs come with only 1 clipboard and every time you make a copy all previous clip info are lost forever. CopyPaste changes that because it works in the background and remembers all copies and cuts creating a ‘Clip History’. That is the basic info but there is much more…

Absolutely essential. I can’t count the number of times a day I use Copypaste. – James Fitz, Longtime CopyPaste User

CopyPaste is the latest incarnation of the one and only, award winning, easy to use, multiple clipboard editing, display and archive utility. Use the new Clip Browser (horizontal browser) or Clip Palette (vertical browser) to see clips from different points of view. Use the ‘CopyPaste Tools’ to act on clipboard data in an instant. Save all clipboards through restarts. Don’t be limited to one clipboard and never lose a clip again. CopyPaste is a time saver/life saver for all Mac users from beginner thru advanced. Try CopyPaste to expand the potential of your Mac, start doing less and accomplishing more.

CopyPaste is the original multiple clip utility for the Mac. CopyPaste has been massively popular since its first release. What has made it so widely appreciated? Usefulness. CopyPaste magnifies and multiplies the usefulness of the humble clipboard and it does it invisibly in the background.

One of the revolutionary features that came with the Mac in 1984 was the unique ability to select text or pictures, etc, then copy that data into a clipboard, to hold that content temporarily and then paste it in the same application or a different one. The clipboard was used to transfer all kinds of info between programs on the Mac, and later this feature was imitated in many other operating systems.

A few years later CopyPaste was the first to take that single clipboard and expand it to add multiple clipboards. This meant that more data could be moved in less time. CopyPaste also allowed these multiple clipboards to be displayed, edited, archived and saved through restarts. CopyPaste revealed the untapped potential of the Mac clipboard.

CopyPaste Features

Compare Old & New Specs

Tap here or above link to compare the specs of ‘CopyPaste Pro’ to the new ‘CopyPaste’

User Raves

Ain’t a Mac without it! – Michael Jay Warren

Absolutely essential. I can’t count the number of times a day I use CopyPaste. – James Fitz

Thanks again for a great and indispensable piece of software! I think it is FANTASTIC! – Dan Sanfilippo

Can’t live without it!!! Great product! It’s indispensable and thank you for developing it! – Roger Euchler

“I use CopyPaste all the time! It’s the single most-important add-on software on my Mac! – Alán Apurim

CopyPaste: once you try it, you wonder how could you live without it! – Prof. Dr. Gabriel Dorado, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics

  • - New feature. 'Share from iCloud' allows to drag&drop a file to the CopyPaste icon in the Macs menubar at top, right, a green + icon appears and you can let go, drop, the file. The file is then copied to the CopyPaste folder in your iCloud account. Once the file is copied to iCloud a link/url is put into clip 0 in your CopyPaste clip history. That link/url can be pasted with command v in a message to someone you want to share the file with. This is especially useful for large files you can't send any other way. The link and file exist for 3 days and then both are deleted automatically. During their 3 days in iCloud they are in the iCloud:CopyPaste folder.
    - check for updates improved.
    - a variety of other bug fixes, improvements and updates to the manual
  • - [MOD] 2 new additions to the Hotkeys:Fixed tab under the heading ‘Paste clip to cursor location in any of these ways.’ 1) “Paste plain text by command option v’. and 2) ‘ClipAppend’. both items already appear in the General pref and are now, for consistency, also in Hotkeys:Fixed tab because both of these items paste like the other key commands in that section.
    - [FIX]: a problem we all experienced on rare occasions was that the copy command did not copy. this was seen as the copied clip not appearing in CopyPaste and as the lack of a beep sound (if you had the copy sound switched on). it turned out this could happen if you used ‘Check for updates’ and left the dialog open (the dialog tell you if you have the latest version or not) and then did a copy. when the dialog was open it caused the problem of not copying and even interfered with the saving of clips. this really annoying bug was reported by others but Thomas gave a good concise description of all aspects that allowed us to locate the problem, a framework called Sparkle, and fix the problem.
    - [FIX] the prefs when opened would, in certain cases, disappear behind other windows. now fixed.
  • - added new feature to clip manager in the clip content area. now there a mic icon at top right of a clip. tap the icon to speak and your speech is transcribed into text in the clip content field. please try it out.
  • - competed issue with search field in main menu whic was not yet showing clip numbers of results and would not perform selected actions. also now once you tap on a clip in the search it will paste to wherever the cursor is.
  • - added method to set position of clips in clip sets. now in addition to sorting clips in clip sets by date/time and alphabetically a new way to sort is by position. these are all seen when you click on the blue sort icon in the clip manager in the clips column for any clip set (not history clips). once you select position you can set the postion with the drop down menu labeled 'position' in the TriggerClip settings becomes visible. set the number to set the position. more will be in the manual with screenshots.
    - added TriggerClip now works for images. before TriggerClip only worked for text.
    - removed cloud status menu item for now. we might bring it back later when it becomes more relevant.
    - changes to TriggerClip user interface
    - modified the Clip Manager creation to be faster. now the first Clip Manager is numbered 1 and if you make another it is 2. If you delete Clip Manager 2 then create a new one it will be Clip Manager 2. big thanks to christoph for the suggestion.
    - lots of other small improvements.

    please use this latest version. if you have friends you can start telling them about the app. the app will continue to improve. many more features to add and improvements to come. thanks
  • - added feature open & close copy & paste menu using the hotkeys at the bottom of the clip preferences. use the default hotkeys to open and close the 'Copy to Clip Set' and/or 'Paste from Clip Set'. also you can now click outside the menu to close it.
    - now the clip browser can be closed by clicking outside the app on any app or the finder.
    - fixed issue where right clicking on clip sets in the left column of the clip manager and selecting delete will delete the clip set that the cursor is hovering over.

    please keep the feedback coming
  • - this version solves the 0.5 sec slowed response of command c and command v. that issue is now fixed thanks to user reports. what was causing the minor slowdow was in the use by both new CopyPaste and the older CopyPaste Pro of command c c and command v v. using command c c and command v v required the app to wait 0.5 secs to see if a second c or v was typed. this pause was an issue because it slowed the use of the regular command c or command v command keys. we all want those 2 commands to act instantly so command c c and command v v are now options in the preferences. there is now a new default hotkey control shift c to show the 'copy to clip set’ menu. and a new default hotkey control shift v to show the ‘paste from clip set’ menu. also there are more hotkey options in preferences:hotkeys:custom hotkeys
  • - the main improvement is to the, 'Copy to Clip Set' (command c c) and, 'Paste to Clip Set' (command v v) menus/dialogs. the first expedites copying clips into CopyPaste clip sets. the other expedites pasting clips from CopyPaste clip sets. please try both. there are improvents to the user interface. details on them can be found in the manual. Manual details for, Copy to Clip Set are here:
    Manual details for, Paste From Clip Set are here:
    - changes to the manual.
    - added hotkey customization to open the CopyPaste AI dialog.
  • - added App icon for command cc and command vv menu.
    - 'Open CopyPaste AI' now allows HotKey editing on the HotKey Pref page.
    - 'Copyright' text updated
    - Other misc. improvements
  • - additions to the manual about sorting in the clip sets.
    - sorting removed from the history where it doesn't make sense the it is always a timeline and not sortable like other clip sets.
    - numerous changes to support the sorting options with color backgrounds and other user interface modifications and improvements.
    - at first start of copypaste menu it was a tad slow speed now improved.

    thanks for feedback on sorting, other features, bugs and suggestions. please keep them coming.
  • - clips can now be reordered in the clip manager and automatically saves the new order. to the right of the search in a clip set within - the clip manger is a new sort icon that allows sorting by dragging, date and alphabetical. after tapping on the sort menu or dragging clips into a new order that order will be saved automatically. lots of people requested this feature. fyi, it was not easy to implement.
    - copied graphic (photo, art, etc) clips are now displayed in the content area of the clip manager.
    - added resolution and image type to metadata info panel when showing an image. the metadata panel can be turned on in the clip manger by the small box icon at the bottom left of the content area.
    - CopyPaste AI is now in the CopyPaste:CopyPaste menu. in the CopyPaste menu select the first menu item ‘CopyPaste’ in the hierarchical menu that appears, CopyPaste AI is the second menu item. select the menu item or use it’s hotkey in the menu, 'control a’ to open CopyPaste AI. CopyPaste AI also has button the in clip manager. please try it. chatGPT is like a gift from the gods (small g). like fire was for early cavemen and cavewomen.
    - pasting into the search field in the main menu works.
    - fixed crash - when entering a character in main menu search field and press return key to paste the 0 clip.
    - fixed issue - when after search in main menu and highlighting any clip then pressing return key paste did nothing.
    - fixed crash - when searching in CopyPaste menu pressing any arrow key.
    - fixed issue - in clip manger closing clip set column using blue arrow button icon or tool bar button did nothing. now opens and closes the column.
    - fixed - In clip manger ’Save as…’ at the bottom be ‘Save as File…’
    improved - in sounds pref, checking on or off ‘copy’ or ‘paste’ etc. - now plays that one sound immediately to let the user hear the sound.
    - fixed - search menu alignment issue on Mac OS 13 & below, when - typing search and then clearing the search field, menu width increased and clips item has empty space in title.

    please keep the feedback coming.
  • - 'check for updates' now works for for all previous versions except these 0.9.91 to 0.9.95. for those just do a manual update. yes, like a caveman.
    - fixed search menu
    - improved search menu to display hits not just in history but all clip sets. allows more comprehensive search and use of clips in any clip set.
    - option click on a clip in any clip set including history opens the clip manager to that clip for editing.
    - improved automatic save in clip manager
  • - check for updates will only work for cp prior to 0.9.91. if you have a newer version (0.9.91 to 0.9.95) just download the app from the site, replace the app in your application folder with this new one which is version 0.9.96. after this update all future versions will work with check for updates again.
    - made GUI changes in Hotkey pref page and Clip->ClipBrowser pref page. 1) moved the clip browser hotkey section to HotkeyPref page too. 2) moved the clip browser HotkeySection on top of clip browser pref page. these ui changes were done to centralize and consolidate the hotkeys and generally make things easier to find.

    Big thanks to all users for the suggestions and bug reports.
  • - fixed crash in clip manager when adding dynamic variable in clip content. Temporary commented code for showing triggers for image type clip.
    - fixed crash on apple silicon machine when launching the app.
    - option click on a clip in any clip set including history opens the clip manager but does not ope/select the clip that you clicked on. now option clicking on a clip in the CopyPaste Menu will open to the clip set and select the clip in the Clip Manager.
    - for now we are disabling the iCloud option in iCloud Sync preference page and in the General peferences. iCloud is not need yet in CopyPaste but hopefully soon.
  • - tap to paste from the main CopyPaste menu has returned after being broken by changes in Mac OS 14.
    - improvements to user interface in the prefs.
    - creating, adding and deleting clips not always sync'ed into the clip manager. now fixed
    - many misc improvements and updated manual
  • - IMPORTANT - please always make sure to backup first before updating.

    - ‘Limits’ is a new pref found at prefs:advanced:limits which will remove extra clips or clip sets above a set limit for either ‘Clips’ or ‘Clip Sets’. it starts at 50 (the defaut) and can be raised. we recommend starting with 50 and you will be told if you go over to raise the number.
    - most people should stick to using any or all of the 'trigger keys’, space, tab, return and/or enter key. this was a user request - instant trigger. it’s an addition to ‘TriggerClip’. it’s turned on in prefs:general:clips at the bottom of the panel the trigger keys are space, tab, return, enter and now ‘Instant Trigger’. when selected 'Instant Trigger’ fires a trigger, like the chars ‘mya’ for your full address, instantly, the moment they are typed. no waiting for space, return, enter or tab. thats why when you checkmark 'Instant Trigger’ all others (space, return, enter or tab) are unchecked. probably best for most people to stick to using any or all of the 'trigger keys’, space, tab, return and/or enter key. ‘Instantaneous'
    - in the Clip Types pref panel which allowed you to set when image clips are deleted. it’s been modified to delete images greater then specified size and above a certain clip number automatically. use the default or if you area photographer, astronomer or artist that is copying and pasting a massive amout of very large images this allows you to control the size and how far into clip history the imagees go.
    - compile and archive issues with xcode 14.3 fixed
    - fixed MainMenu search field paste the first item on return key.
    added description and screenshots for some of the new features to the manual
    - drag clip sets out to the desktop as folders of clips. you can zip and send these to others which they can import by dragging them into their clip manager.
    - improvements to backing up.
    - optimized both speed to show the CopyPaste menu and memory
    - manual updated more info to come. not much info in the manual yet on CopyPasteAI
    - many other things...
  • - increased thumbnail image size to improve the res and still be small in Clip Browser.
    - remove the hourly update option.
    - added d option on hotkey preferences page.
    - on app start now checks for version updates.
    - using the CopyPaste menu search field, search for a keyword paste, now return key pastes the first/top item showing.
    - now keep last two backups only.
    - changed the alert dialogue text when deleting all clip set.
    - updated Backup GUI
    - set the default hotkey for clear all history clips control + delete key.
    - fixed the hotkeys for pasting clip using number or range.
    - updated the HotKey preferences page.
    - changed the default settings for new users on General pref page.
    - more optimization, small fixes, changes and additions to the manual.

    Thanks again for all the useful feedback and support. Please don’t stop, we have major features and much more to add to CopyPaste
  • If you get to this today 3/3/23 then after you check out the new features then in the CopyPaste admin menu select, 'Send Feedback' and let us know how it works for you. Make sure to read the points below.

    - lots of changes and improvements but the main one is the addition of the Clip Browser feature which requires Mac OS 13 or higher.
    - please read the 2 sections in the manual on the Clip Browser. read both sections, here:
    and here:
    - the Clip Browser is a visual browser of clips requested by many. control b opens the browser and the prefs allow you to change it's size, shape, additions and settings. experiment and get comfortable using it.
    - 2 new small boxes for customizing pasting by number in the 'hotkey' pref panel are not finished. but control is the key to use for now for those.
    - if you haven't seen them yet there are video tutorials to check out. we will create a Clip Browser tutorial video soon but the manual should suffice for the moment. if something is not clear, ask, and we can clarify in the manual and in the coming video.
    - more to come...

    first, BIG thanks to the MAGNIFICENT purchasers for making it all possible by supporting the coding. to the users for their patience. and the beta testers, users and purchasers for giving such useful feedback.
  • - one small but important fix to the ability to rename clip sets in the the clip manager
  • - fixed issue clip search not working on os ventura. now fixed.
    - changed the export and import button title and popup dialogue to make it more clear.
    - History & Favorites Clip Sets cannot be deleted by accident.
    - in clip manager's clip set column,control single click can display drop down menu with menu items to create new clip set and delete existing clip set.
    - in clip manager's clip preview (middle) column,control single click can display drop down menu with menu items to create new clip and delete existing clip.
    - fixed. after pasting using command+option+v clip 0 lost it's formatting, now fixed.
    - fixed issue for trigger spotlight search is sometimes shows
    - fixed menu grayout color issue when moving to submenu.
    - fixed issue. when import and export trigger data lost in backup of clips. now fixed.
    - fixed MainMenu issue when displaying clips submenu not highlighted correctly. fixed
    - fixed issue letters v, c and q key not working in trigger feature.
    - fixed issue clip content not saved in Clip Manager in certain instances. now fixed
    - fixed. showing history and favorites Clip Sets in Main Menu to always show at position 0 and 1.
  • - changed the button title to "Backup" for export dialog
    - fixed issue when pasting plain using command+option+v from clip 0 it actually removed formatting from the clip permanently. now command+option+v leaves the formatting of that clip alone and pastes plain.
    - changed title of import button to CopyPaste (new, 2022) on advanced preferences page:backup
    - fixed the issue where using triggerclip caused spotlight search dialog to show at times. fixed.
    - fixed cp menu not highlighting correctly for history/action hierarchical menu. now has proper inverted to gray when moving into submenus.
    - backing up and restoring of clip sets, clips and settings now includes triggerclip setting.

    thanks for everyones feedback on new triggerclip feature. if you haven't, try it. watch the video and read the manual found here.
  • - TriggerClip - new feature that allows typing a few characters hit spacebar which replaces those chars with a clip. simple and fast way to maintain all text, that you type all the time, in the clip sets of CopyPaste and then be able to instantly paste them based on typing a brief mnemonic. the clip manager is where a triggerclip is set up. it’s important to read the manual to understand setup. how to turn on and use TriggerClip is at this location in the manual:
    - many fixes and improvements to the user interface of the Clip Manager for editing, deleting clips and clip sets. when clips are modified when the cursor is moved to a new field or to another clip all changes are saved.
    - the first time CopyPaste is launched, it opens the manual.
    - shorten url - this action improved,
    - upsidedown text
    - start/end line - is a new action that allows you to type into a dialog what you want to start or end each line in a clip and have it instantly act on a clip.

    Next up we are hoping to finish the horizontal and vertical browsers that respond to command vv.
  • make sure to read changelog for version 0.9.77 if you didn't update to that version.
    - new hashtag action didn't make it into the last release. copy a sentence or paragraph of words separated by spaces especially useful on twitter (and other social media) and a hashtag is placed in front of each word. example: iclock iwatermark copypaste —> #iclock #iwatermark #copypaste
    simple but if you do this each day it will save your time.
    - misc. other improvements.

    if you're liking CopyPaste please tell others if you think they'd enjoy it. that will help us to continue the progress.

    please remember to use the 'send feedback' menu item if you have a bug or suggestion, etc. thanks!
  • - added 2 different methods to import text direct to Clip Sets. please try these 2 new features to see how they work and get use to it.
    - to import selected text once to a particular Clip Set hit control option # and that command puts selected text in the first open slot in that Clip Set.
    - to switch all copies from History to a Clip Set # hit control option command # after that every regular copy to that Clip Set #
    the symbol # should be a Clip Set number for a Clip Set that already exists. Clip Sets can be created in the Clip Manager.
    for the # substitute the number of the Clip Set you want to direct all copies to. then copy from the edit menu and copy using command c will go direct to that clip set until you switch copies back to History by using control option command 0 (that’s a zero).
    added a dialog reminding people after 5 copies (command c) direct to a clip set that they are no longer copying to History and do they want to switch back and reminding them that control option command 0 (that’s a zero) allows switching copies back to History.
    in the old CopyPaste Pro, for importing to the Archive, we used command c c, to copy to a slot in the archive. that was easy to remember but we decided not to use command c c again because it changes the latency in a regular copy. also because we now have many Clip Sets to copy to.
    - added check box to allow user to stop showing alert when clearing all history clips from advanced preferences.
    licensing improved, more solid, faster
    - changed the label text on hotkey preferences for clear all history.
    - fixed issue that occurred when backing up clips in copypaste using mac os ventura (the next mac os coming this fall). thanks to user salvo.
    - fixed crash when creating new clipset.
    added custom dialog for getting accessibility permission
    - variety of bugs fixed.
    - many small changes.
    - more details will on the above will be added to the manual this weekend.

    if the new one doesn't yet have every feature you love from the old one, don't fear, it will soon, much more is coming.

    if you're liking it please tell others if you think they'd enjoy it. that will help us keep going.

    please remember to use the 'send feedback' menu item if you have a bug, crash, suggestion, etc.
  • IMPORTANT: if you have a problem installing using the 'check for updates' then download the latest CopyPaste using this link:
    that problem will only occur for people using a version older than the 0.9.69

    if a menu item in the action menu is grayed out it means it's a placeholder for the function to come soon.

    - depending on the content in the clip (pasteboard type) different actions are displayed. so, for example, if an image is in clip 0 then the menu will show actions that work on images, example, 'resize'. for text, text actions are shown, example, 'UPPERCASE'. for url, url actions are shown, example, 'shorten url'.
    - actions menu now works in the clip manager. control and tap on a clip to use actions on any clip in the clip manager. this is the same actions menu you get in the copypaste menu.
    - a basic image resize added handy for screenshots. you can go to great apps like apple preview app or pixelmator or affinity products but it's really handy to have it for image clips which is 4000x4000 but looks fine at 800x 800px in an email.
    - lots of fixes in apple app store version
    - small fix for dark mode issue
    - many items in the action menu that didn't work, now work. example, 'open with...' now will work to open an image with your favorite image editor.
    - show symbols is a new action that allows copying symbols from web page.
    - in the clip manager, when any item in the clip column is highlighted then you can use the up or down arrow keys to navigate around.
    - in the doc, tapping on the CopyPaste icon will show the full CopyPaste menu like the old CopyPaste Pro. some people like using menu from the top menu bar and some like to use the same menu from the dock at bottom. hotkey is left click (with mouse) on CopyPaste icon in the dock and hold for 2 secs. Or right click (with mouse) on CopyPaste icon in the dock and the menu shows instantly.
    - new action - 'url to qr code' which when you have a url in a clip and select this action it puts a QR-Code (a kind of small square barcode that most smartphones can read automatically with their camera). the qr code will provide smartphone cameras with that url and a single press takes the browser straight to that url. usage example: say you have an exhibit of paintings or photographs, exhibition goers could aim their phonecam at the QR-Code next to the painting to learn more about the artist, the art and whether it's for sale with price.
    - new actions - single quote to double quote and vice versa of the clip contains text with single or double quotes.
    - new action 'sort lines descending' when you have many lines of text with return at the end of each line. then it will sort all lines alphabetically and numerically by the beginning of each line. ascending is 1,2,3...a,b,c and descending is the reverse
    - moved grab ocr and emoji. they are actions like all the other items in that menu. actions all put info into clip 0. so, it made sense and adds consistency to the experience. just think, actions are in actions menu.
    - fixed issue on 14" or 16" mac laptops that have the notch and when there are many menu bar apps, copypaste won't disappear behind the notch.
    - many other improvements, fixes and other changes.
    - MANY more things are in progress and coming. we are going as fast as we can. the image browser is on the way.
  • if 'check for updates' does not install, please download the app from and do a manual install. we changed how check for updates works. once you do that update in place will work in the future.
    - in copypaste, command option c, is used to append selected text to the text currently in clip 0. now, in a small, but important change, that hotkey does double duty. when you first select a file in the finder, it will put the path (path means the location) of that file into clip 0. so, if on your mac, a file called file.txt is selected on the desktop and you do command option c, it will put this path into clip 0 /Users/yourname/Desktop/file.txt
    please try selecting text, command option c, then preview or paste that clip to see it's contents. then select a file on the desktop, do command option c then preview or paste that clip to see it's contents
  • if 'check for updates' does not install, please download the app from and do a manual install. we changed how check for updates works. once you do that update in place will work in future.
    - more improvements to the way we deal with pasteboard extra data. we hide info from password managers like 1password and others that use, 'org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType' that alerts copypaste to conceal passwords and disallow into clip history.
    - the app now will run in compatibility mode when on mac laptops (macs with camera inside the bezel) with 'the notch'. menubar apps like copypaste set this so that they don't get hidden behind 'the notch'. this is apple's solution for, 'the notch' hiding apps. we don't have a 14 or 16" mac powerbook pro so please let us know how it works for you. thanks
  • - added append, command option c will add selected text to clip 0. in the menu you will see ** (1x) Clip Appended **. Or if you do command option c it will append the newly selected text and in the menu will say ** (2x) Clip Appended **. please try it out.
    - added new pasteboard types. mainly if you copy from 1password or other clipboard managers then it will prevent copied passwords from going into the clip history. also there is another pasteboard that knows when you are using a type expansion tool and those uses of the clipboard won't show up in the clip history either. this will be described better in the manual over time in this section.
    - new action. Numbers to Word. changes numbers, like 3, into a word, three.
    - moved 'clip types', which are growing in number, to their own panel in the prefs.
    - updated 'check for updates'. you won't ever have to do the manual check again.
  • - actions have been changed to work this way, they act on the content of clip 0. you do the paste from clip 0 not the action. simpler. actions used to copy from a selection and paste to where the cursor was. this way actions are more consistent, simpler, easier to understand and doesn't surprise people.
    - new action for removing more than 1 sequential space
    - new action to remove numbers and remove non-numeric characters (letters and punctuation)
    - brought back features that were available previously
    - fixed misc issues. open with...
    - fixed issue for some people where pasting a clip always and only pasted clip 0
  • - this version actually drops back to an earlier version. so a bug and the interconnected features added in the last 2 versions are not present while we work on the next version without that bug and with those features. thanks for your patience.
  • - fixes a bug where it always pastes clip 0. this was actually caused by the command v v to bring up a new window that we were testing. it's been removed for now.
    - some new actions have been added.
  • - ATTENTION: coming action attractions!!! these are grayed out till they are implemented (not broken). new action ideas thanks to user suggestions. grayed out, means they don’t work now, but will be coming as we have time to work on them.
    - added folders making the actions menu hierarchical. this will help consolidate and make actions easier to find, both the current crop of actions and all the new actions we have planned (currently grayed out). you’ll find it makes that menu cleaner and more understandable.
    - added, ‘clip 0 actions’ to cp menu. from this new menu item (beneath clip sets) in the copypaste menu you can select an action to act on the contents of clip 0, replacing it with the transformed value. for example, use UPPERCASE action to transform ‘help’ into ‘HELP’ and put it in clip 0. give it a try to see how it works. which is so much easier than all these darned words. this is in addition to holding down control to use the action menu on any clip in the cp menu.
    -fixed another item to look better in dark mode
    changed ‘Clip Manager' to 'Clip Managers' because it allows making multiple clip manager windows and when they are created can all be found in this menu.
    - swift scripts and the prefs and button for prefs were removed. it was a good experiment but had some issues we couldn’t overcome. we’ll work on a way using something else
    - added, ‘reduce data type’. was in the older cp pro. it’s not for 99.9% of people. an explanation is in the manual. this is not the end of our support for other data types.
    - added, ’sort lines’ and ‘date & time' for text. ‘image resize’ has also been added and will be improved and extended with more abilities.

    if you have friends that know the mac and you think would enjoy copypaste (considering it still not 1.0), feel free to invite them to try it out.
  • IMPORTANT - please read about the changes
    - the contents of command v and clip 0 are now the same in every situation.
    - clip append now works! to append text to what is in clip 0, do command option c on a selection of text and it will then append an empty line after the item already in clip 0 and then append the text the selected text. you can repeat this as many times as you want. be aware, this feature is sensitive to set prefs. for example, 'always paste plain text' pref will remove all styling from all text appended. if people like this append text feature and use it a lot we could add in the prefs other options as a demarcation between each concatenated (finally we get to use that fancy word) clips to replace the empty line, the separators could be incrementing numbers, date time, etc. this won't happen soon (more foundational changes still) but let us know what you think and what you would find useful.
    - the pref to paste plain text now works. command option v now pastes what is in clip 0 as plain text consistently.
    - 'always paste plain text' works consistently now.
    - fixed a bunch of dark mode issues.
    - in actions. many changes. many script action are now compiled so generally 10x faster, will be more consistent and less breakable.
    --- 'open text' now compiled & works for textedit and other apps.
    --- 'shorten url' now compiled instead of a script
    --- 'open text' now compiled instead of a script
    --- 'extract urls' now compiled instead of a script
    --- all the 'case' actions now compiled instead of scripts
    --- 'extract emails' now compiled instead of a script
    --- 'word count and frequency' now compiled instead of a script
    - many misc. modifications and updates to the manual.

    please test for awhile then give your feedback. thank you!

    we have still been keeping the project generally under wraps but feel free to mention copypaste to friends and those that might be interested. now that more bugs have been fixed we can handle supporting some more people.
  • - added a new translate action. hold down control in the cp menu over text clips to see the action hierarchical menu that shows, 'Translate'. chose a source and goal language to translate that clip. tap translate button or return or enter to put translation in clip 0. try and let us know how it works for you and how it might be better.
    - hid the, 'edit and save' action because it is replaced by clip manager.
    - 'Always paste plain text' now works.
    - Paste plain text on command option shift v' now works.
    - Clip Append added to prefs. but not functional yet.
    - when app starts then what is on the sys clip is removed in favor of what was in copypaste clip 0 the last time it ran. what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
    - fixed a number of crashes
    - fixed empty clips appearance
    - when using arrow up or down in menu to select a clip, return and enter work to paste once again.
    - many other miscellaneous modifications.
  • - fixes crash when going to exclude in the prefs
    - fixes space bug that appeared occasionally in the cp menu
    - misc. items
  • - new numbering system for all clips. also pasting by the number for history and all clip sets. for example, in clip set 4, to paste number 3 clip would be control 4.3 also you can paste sequences. take the last example and pasting all the way to clip 9 would be control 4.3-9
    - fixed opening clip manager crash that occurred for some people
    - fixed - deleting clip 0 and then pasting clip 0 pasted the deleted data.
    - select New from clip set menu pasted nothing now fixed.
    - other misc. changes.

    please test out the numbering system for all clips. it will lead to other features. we appreciate all comments, suggestions and bugs.
  • - crash in favorites fixed. thanks to the user that reported this.
    - number increment issue in favorites fixed. thanks to the user that reported this.
  • - control h is the hotkey that opens and can now close the history menu
    - fixed search in cp menu
    - added new actions
    - fixes for Share To, Paste as Plain Text, Clean and Unwrap Text, Edit and Save Clip
    - fixed clip manager and cp menu for dark mode
    - added different color background for each clip set clip menu. hoping to do this in clip manager too. so users can easily know what clip set they are in
    - misc many background improvements and bug fixes.
  • - fixed crash for some configurations when using exclude in prefs.
    - fixed issue when there is no clip in main menu and we searched any clip then search field width got shrunk.
    yes, fixing search field, which currently misses the first char, will be fixed soon. it is a different issue.
  • - fixed crash on startup for some people
    - fixed the recurring sync dialog when icloud is turned off in the prefs
  • - hotkeys now have better contrast to display the actual command, control, option or shift and regular chars keys.
    - fixed crash that occurred for someone importing their archives from the old copypaste pro. if you had a problem before please try again.
    - changed wording in some dialogs to make it clearer
    - new clip sets now named Clip Sets 1, Clip Set 2...

    if you want to have a palette use the clip manager and adjust it by hiding the right and left side and just showing the clips in the center. then stretch it down to the size you want and put it on one side of the monitor. then you can tap a clip to paste or drag the clip to Mail or whatever app you want.

    if you have a crash. send us as details you remember and screenshot(s), crashlogs help too. use the console app to find those after a crash.
  • - 'save to icloud' new action to save selected clip to icloud and put a url in clip 0. try it with text (images and all other resource types will be added soon)! this is a start on offering sharing of clips and other objects to colleagues. clips shared to icloud last 30 days then are deleted by apple. so, this sharing is temporary. if you want to delete it earlier then go to the icloud folder on your mac and look in the 'CopyPaste' folder. more to come...
    - the color of the modifiable hotkeys in cp prefs are now a darker blue to (hopefully) help those who are color blind. please let us know if the contrast is not enough.
    - one crash fixed.
    if anyone has a crash please send us a console log. as usual, all feedback is very welcome. bugs, suggestions, comments, corrections for the manual, etc. will all help make it a better app.
  • - clip size data is now exact
    - clip data of many urls now correctly labeled as text
    - improved the main menu to prevent beachballing with large files
    - default setting set to paste at cursor position when you tap on a clip in the cp menu. we recommend keeping like that as it is. tap a clip and it pastes where the cursor is.
    - we tried for, quite a while, to make the search/filter menu more like a regular search field but it is the way it is for a reason (gabriel).
    - history now always at the top of the clip set menu
    - many other misc. improvements and fixes
  • - in the action menu for a clip, the 'Copy Clip To' is changed to 'Move Clip To...' and moves any clip to any clip set. handy for populating all clip sets. another way is open a clip manager or 3 to drag clips between history and other clip sets.
    - when filtering from the cp menu, clip sets and clip manager are no longer hidden from the menu
    - backing up now includes options to auto backup
    - changed 'Clip Manager' hierarchical menu to say, 'Add/Edit' instead of just add to emphasize both that you can add more than one clip manager. which can be used to drag clips to other clip sets. also to display that the clip manager is also a place you can edit text and url clips. hopefully we will be able to edit graphics in the future but that is much more involved but would be really nice.
    - now if you edit in the clip manager when you quit the clip manager or move to another clip, all changes are automatically saved. clip 0 and higher can all be used for minor text edits.
    what will happen next?
  • - now you can edit and save text in clip manager. save is automatic when you switch to another clip.
    - when backing up now all clip sets are backed up. can be used from advanced tab of prefs.
    - new backup panel in general prefs does nothing and is not active.
    - holding down down right button of mouse is now the same as holding down control. for use in cp menu
  • - now imports all archives from old copypaste pro and creates clip sets for each archive. so all clip sets and all user clips are now imported into clip sets with the same names.
    - new pref from old cp added. 'move last pasted clip to clip 0'
    - other misc. improvements
  • - synching to icloud (big) issue now fixed
    - 'paste text clips plain without styles' pref can be checked on so that all pastes are without styles.
    - 'max number of clip in clip history' applies to both cp menu and to the clip manager
    - other misc. improvements
  • - to open urls/links in a clip in copypaste menu, hold down the shift key then tap the clip. this makes it easier to remember since holding down the shift key and holding the cursor over a clip allows previewing all clips text, spreadsheet, graphics and including urls/links. try it.
    - duplicates now removed. pref in the prefs:clips panel, 'Delete duplicate clips.'
    - pref 'Maximum number of clips in clip history' now working properly.
    - misc. other fixes
  • - fixed issue when clip sets removed but leaves some clips
    - fixed issue of removed duplicate clip sets still showing.
    - fixed the hash value not updating in Clip Manager.
    - modified the Exclude preferences page to fix a crash.
    - improved code at application start when Main Menu sometimes stuck.
    - improved MainMenu items drawing to fix scroll wheel issue.
  • - some dark mode work done
    - misc. changes
  • - Fixed crash reported by a user when opening main menu and scrolling.
  • - IMPORTANT: some good news and bad news. bad news: because of a datebase change when you quit 0.9.15 you may lose all clip sets and clips moving to 0.9.16 good news: you can back up from 0.9.15 first by going to the copypaste preferences:advanced:export/backup clips and hit that button to backup any important clips and clip sets. so, backup before you quit the 0.9.15 version.
    - Clicking on version & build at bottom left of system:preference panel copies both of those items to the clipboard (thanks to Gabriel) and takes you in the browser to the changelog page for copypaste on the site.
    - Initial commit for fixing scroll wheel issue in menu.
  • - fix for those where copypaste would not launch
    - change in cp menu menu both the cloud icon and app name 'copypaste are colored based on icloud connection. cloud icon green shows that you are signed into icloud. name green indicates you have icloud turned on in the preferences.
  • - fixed issue sparkle check for updates dialogue not showing front most.
    - fixed the crash when selecting clip from menu using option+click for showing in Clip Manager.
  • - select clip + control + delete will delete a clip in the cp menu but there must be a better easier more obvious way.
    - when selecting Clip Set in ClipManager the text not updating in text editor. now fixed
  • - lots of time spent on networking and testing. synching can be tested between macs.
    - clip sets added to the top of the main cp menu
    - clip manager added to the top of the main cp menu
    - command and tap once on a clip pastes it as plain text/no styles
    - updated a lot of dialogs
    - updated the manual and added a handy table of hotkeys
    - importing and exporting clip sets perfected
    - importing archives and history from the old copypast pro now creates clip sets for them in this new copypaste.
    - changed from command key to using option key and tap clip to open in clip manager.
    - clip sets can be renamed
    - clip sets can be deleted except for history and favorites. all clips sets can have their contents cleared from the advanced tab in prefs
    - many other misc changes and improvements
    thanks for all suggestions and feedback. please keep it coming.
    every comment, from your point of view, helps us understand how to make cp better for everyone.
  • - command and tapping on a clip in the copypaste menu opens the clip in the clip manager
    - the manual is updated
    - now using new sparkle which uses edsa.
  • - added push notifications
    - small fix in check for updates
  • - grab text/ocr puts results into clipmanager clip 0 which can be pasted. or control 0 used to paste results.
    - changes in delete duplicates
    - fixed selection issue
    - added tool tips
    - in preferences:system new 'automatically check for updates' needs to be turned on. it can be set to check regularly (daily, weekly, monthly) in the drop down menu. we suggest daily for beta testers
    - other minor fixes.
  • - delete duplicates on by default
    - using new 'loginitems'
    - text changes in dialog
    - fixed pasting to use range on other keyboards
  • - saving now works for free trial (seriously) but you have to check the checkbox in preferences. prefefences:general:clips then checkbox 'save clips when quitting'
    - now works other keyboards than 'qwerty' like 'dvorak'
    - fixed ability to copy within the clip manager
    - misc. changes. improved text in dialogs and improved manual.
  • - misc. changes including adding the 1 month free.
    - update to latest sparkle
    - new dialogs
    - works on intel and m1
    - compiled with xcode 12.5
  • - first beta
  • - emoji manager
  • - copy protection added
    - other improvements
  • - added notarization.
    - on site
    - menu size adjustable
    - hotkey prefs improved

Manuals can also be found in the Help menu or ? icons within every app.

We recommend those on the latest version of Mac OS use the latest version of CopyPaste download above ↑

Below are versions which worked for older OS’s on older hardware. If you are someone using an older OS please tell us which OS and which version works best for you. We will add that info here and that will benefit others in the same situation.

Tap to download previous versions below:





0.9.84 is said to the be the best for Mac OS 10.15.7

Users Rave

Customer’s reviews

I am just writing to say how pleased I am with CopyPaste 2022! I have used CopyPaste for a lot of years, and while it has always been handy, this new version substantially upped the game! My new fave is the copy to OCR - it has saved me hours with out resorting to endless work-arounds. iCloud Storage and expanded clip sets have sealed the deal. CopyPaste was always worth the money. Now it is an absolute bargain!!
Dr. Robert A. Johnson Jr.
Copypaste is a fantastic program and I use it everyday a lot…really handy tool, and I congratulate you for it!✌️ Best to you and the team. Many many thanks!!
This new (CopyPaste) app is 100% AMAZING and I use its numerous features thousands of times daily – literally. It has been a time-saver, increased work-flow efficiency, and so much more.
Kevin L. Bardon
RN, BSN, BS, AS NREMT-B, TNCC, ACLS, BCLS, PALS, MAS Certified Volunteer Firefighter 

is appreciateD

Thank you!

Plum Amazing, LLC

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