Volume Manager-#1 Mac App Mount Apple & Win Volumes/Shares

Price: 18.00
Version: 1.9.4
Latest: 7/14/21
Requires: Mac 10.11-15.3+

Volume Manager – #1 Mac App To Auto-Mount Apple & Windows Volumes, Shares, Drives

Volume Manager is a Mac OS app used to organize, automate and monitor the mounting of Apple volumes/shares/disks. Easy to use universal Mac app (Apple Silicon or Intel) to admin the mounting on Windows and Apple Macs. Laptops can use Volume Manager to manually or automatically mount volumes at work and at home. Optional scheduling of mounting also monitors mount and remount of shares. Volume Manager can also be used to wake computers that are sleeping on an ethernet LAN. Mac app mounts shares easily. Mount Apple drives easily. Mount windows shares on Mac.

Localizations for: English, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Urdu & Arabic

Mac App Mounts Win SMB

Volume Manager is an easy to use Mac universal app that runs on Apple Silicon or Intel cpu’s that automatically mounts drives, volumes or directories.

Volume Manager – #1 Mac App To Auto-Mount Volumes
Download from Plum Amazing (above)
or the Mac App Store (below)
Volume Manager-#1 Mac App Mount Apple & Win Volumes/Shares 1 Volume Manager


Volume Manager is a Mac OSX application used to organize, automate and monitor the mounting of Windows (SMB) and Apple volumes/shares/disks. Easy to use Mac app to admin the mounting of Windows (SMB) and Apple shares. Laptops can use Volume Manager to manually or automatically mount volumes at work and at home. Optional scheduling of mounting also monitor mount and remount of shares. Volume Manager can also be used to wake computers that are sleeping on an ethernet LAN.

If you need to mount disks from elsewhere on your network then Volume Manager can make your life easier. Volume Manager does just what its says, it holds a list of volumes (hard drives on other computers) with the necessary username and password and will automatically mount them whenever you want. Better still it watches and makes sure that they stay mounted if the network status changes.

Monitor Mounts

Volume Manager can keep an eye on a mount and if a server goes down (and the mount disappears) Volume Manager will remount the share when the server comes back online. However, for this to happen, you need to check the “Monitor this mount and keep it mounted” switch.

Schedule Mounts

Optional scheduling of mounting also monitor mount and remount of shares/volumes/drives.

Windows Domains

Volume Manager can mount Windows shares when the username is local to the server doing the sharing but Volume Manager does not support DOMAIN Server authentication at this time. We are currently working on Active Directory and Domain Server authentication. Again, this doesn’t affect regular non-DOMAIN Windows mounts.

Mac OS X Technologies 

• Volume Manager uses Bonjour to make mounting a local volume easy.

• Volume Manager can be setup to use one global user and password for all volumes.

• Volume Manager can wake up computers on a LAN.

• Volume Manager can schedule the mounting of drives at any date and time.

• Volume Manager can remount drives/shares/volumes/points after blackouts.

Volume Manger can also be downloaded from MacUpdate.

Localized For

• Korean, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Urdu, Arabic


For support click here.


After checking out Volume Manager please purchase the app in the Plum Amazing store to unlock all features and support it’s continuing evolution. After purchase you automatically receive a registration email with a license key. Or buy in the Apple Mac iTunes Store.

We like to hear from you. Please send us your ideas, suggestions and bugs to fix. Thanks for supporting Volume Manager.

The crew at Plum Amazing

  • - fixed the bug reported by user Michael Bittner: 'Mount Point already being used'.
    - AFP made unavailable for those using Mac OS 11 onwards. Apple no longer supports AFP.
    - added support for edsa in sparkle used in the shareware plumamazing.com version
    - added loginservicekit
    - a few german words changed for accuracy
  • - Fixed small bug: When mounting an SMB share with a "2 level" mount point (ie: video/Movies) the mount works fine, but the app reports that the mount DOESN'T work. The log reports success, and macOS sees the mounted share, but the status screen is showing "Not mounted".
  • - in addition to English localized for:
    - Korean
    - Urdu
    - Chinese
    - Spanish
    - French
    - German
    - Japanese
    - Arabic
  • - Compiled as universal binary for Apple Silicon and Intel Macs
    - Updated Sparkle Framework.
    - Show error in case of invalid mount path.
    - Fixed the issue: Didn't check for in app receipts in evaluation period.
    - Fixed a compile time error for VolumeManager target.
    - Fixed the crash that occured when shareAddress_URL was nil.
    - Manual updated.
    - Misc. improvements
    Thanks to users for the great feedback
  • - updated LoginServiceKit framework.
    - new target
    - enabled sandbox
    - fixed phasescript issue
  • - now uses the new Apple notarization security
    - optimized for memory usage
    - compiled with xcode 10.3, uses swift 5
  • - after trial expires, last disabled volume got mounted instead of first volume. fixed
  • - fixed intermittent issue of share/volume name changing to previous share name while user is writing in volume text field.
    - added login at startup
    - ui changes in the settings panel of the prefs

    Could anything make the app better? Let us know. Thanks.
  • - Improved monitor and remount
    - changed License purchased success message
    - fixed issue where unable to unmount the volume If local and share volume name is same.
    - minor ui and spelling corrections.

    Big thanks to users Don & Cain. Please keep the suggestions coming!
  • - added automatic remounting
    - fixed the not responding error by lock/unlock mechanism
  • - added 'check for update' button in the settings.
    - crash fixed crash that occured when shareAddress_URL is nil.
  • - fixed async call
    - unregistered app now dismounts volumes better
  • - more ui changes
    - licensing changes
  • - change in licensing
    - ui changes
  • - improved licensing
    - ui changes
    - copy and paste works in license fields
    - misc improvements

    we appreciate all feedback. if you find a bug let us know. if the manual needs more info let us know. your suggestions can help the app too. thanks
  • - first version update to the popular MountWatcher app for Mac

Manuals can also be found in the Help menu or ? icons within every app.

1.9.1 is the last one with AFP support


is appreciateD

Thank you!

Plum Amazing, LLC