Press Release

iclock app icon/logo from plum amazing. icon consists of clock with blue face world clock and gray rim world clock calendar timer alarms chimes mac menubar app

Latest iClock App Sherlocks/Surpasses Old Apple Mac Menubar Clock




iClock Sherlocks/Surpasses Old Apple Mac Menubar Clock


Kaiulua-Kona, HI – Sherlocking was an amusing term invented when Apple copied and replaced software created by another company.* In a surprising reversal Plum Amazing has created a menubar clock software, iClock, that replaces/sherlocks/outshines/outperforms the old and well known Mac clock. iClock adds power features to enhance productivity.

iClock is a productivity enhancing app by Plum Amazing. Going far beyond the Macs clock, iClock provides these features in the menubar. Time, date, moon phase, support for Apple and Google calendar/events, alarms, chimes with included chime sounds,  global scheduling of meetings, Take 5 (a special pomodoro timer for taking breaks), world clock with custom list of cities and city data, floating clocks, app menu, stop watch, countdown and customized printable personal calendars with photos, automatic control of light/dark mode and a handy laptop alarm for use in Starbucks and at the airport. All features instantly & easily available from the menubar. More convenient, fun and useful then ever before.” Download to try it out free:

Download link for iClock – Enjoy trying all features free

“With my line of work, I never know what distant corner of the world my job will take me. iClock’s simple, intuitive interface never lets me down. With a quick glance at the pull-down menu, I can see what time it is where I am….where I’m going…and where I’ve been. With another click, I can check the weather at my next destination. Its so much more than a digital timepiece for the Mac.”
Kevin Rafferty,
Visual effects supervisor “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer”, “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace”, “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” and many other movies.

Plum Amazing CEO Julian Miller said: “iClock is now both one of the oldest and newest apps on the Mac. It is also one of the most popular and useful apps. Completely rewritten and updated for Mojave Mac OS 10.15.”

Apple’s old Mac menubar clock only displays time/date.

Turn off Apple’s ancient  Mac menubar clock and use iClock to add these…

iClock Major Features

  • World Time – A quick tap on Time in the menubar reveals a menu with every city or timezone and instanly displays the local time, weather, info and more.
  • World clock perfect for the world travellers laptop.
  • Select a city in world time to display weather, local info, sunrise…
  • Time with custom color, size and font format in the menubar
  • Date with custom color, size and font format in the menubar
  • Mini Apple calendar & events tap the menubar to view.
  • Mini Google calendar & events tap the menubar to view.
  • Mini calendars can show 1, 2, 3…12 months at a time.
  • Big calendar for the desktop or as a window with photo.
  • Big calendar with custom printable personal calendars w photos.
  • Bib calendars can show 1, 2, 3…12 months at a time w photo.
  • Alarms with custom sounds. Myriad methods of setting time/date.
  • Infinite numbers of alarms that you can create with a tap and alert you from the menubar
  • Create any kind of date format for the menubar and the menu.
  • Chimes – Big Ben, cuckoo clock, on the hour, half hour, etc.
  • Global scheduling of meetings. Arrange worldwide meetings easily
  • Take 5 – name derived from the jazz piece by Paul Desmod and played by Dave Brubeck jazz quartet. Take 5 reminds the user, using a sound alert or music, to take a break (exercise, breath, meditate, look into the distance, etc) every (customizable) period of time. A kind of pomodoro timer. Good for the sight, productivity, health and happiness.
  • External & Internal IP – add to see & copy your IP in top of menu
  • Floating clocks – 1 or 30 at once at the bottom or side of screen
  • Floating clocks – heavily used by commodity, currency traders
  • Floating clocks have choice of multiple beautiful face designs.
  • App menu. List all current and recently used apps for switching
  • Stop watch. For timing events.
  • Countdown and countup timers for anniversaries, Christmas…
  • Automatic and manual control of light/dark mode.
  • Laptop alarm. For those times you are in a StarBucks
  • All the above instantly available from the menubar.
  • Sounds for alarms & chimes are included, music, or user created
  • More convenient, useful and fun then every before.

“iClock saves time! Once again I’ve snagged an invaluable tool from Plum Amazing. iClock elegantly offers just the right balance of functionality and features. No digging – no bloat; just a wonderfully simple tool to help manage my clock, my time, my Mac.”
Rand Miller
– Co-creator of Myst and Riven

On the Mac iClock enhances productivity by having MANY time related apps all available with a click tap on the clock or calendar up in menubar. Great for managers of people or products. Great for anyone involved in social media. Great for companies, professionals, students and anyone who depends on and works with time.

“I remember thinking ‘Why do I want another clock’ before I tried iClock. Now I think ‘How did I get by without it’.”
– CEO, The Kept Promise, Software Developer

Raves & Reviews

“This is a fantastic program.”
Leo Laporte on MacBreak 261, CEO of and Podcaster

“Best time I ever had!!!!”
– Charles Henry, PanTech, Inc.

“It’s hard to imagine that so much functionality could be packed into a ‘clock’!”
 Guy Kawasaki,  Author, Blogger, Evangelist, and Entrepreneur.

“I like the app iClock. All the features you like and none of the features you don’t like”
Andy Ihnatko, Journalist, Writer, MacBreak Weekly.

“I couldn’t live without iClock now. I love it because it is so simple, but has so many powerful features. I am constantly amazed at what it can do.”
– Anil K Solanki

“The feature that attracted me to iClock was the location time menu. As you know software sales is world wide because of the Internet. When I need to make a service call overseas I need to know what time it is in that country. I have used other products that require running a program to see the times, or software that clutters the desktop with clocks. iClock is simple, non-obtrusive and FAST. Thank you for a very useful yet simple to use program.”
– David Parrish


Plum Amazing Software today announced the latest version of iClock for Mac. iClock far surpasses the old Apple Clock which only showed time & date. iClock enhances productivity with a slew of time related apps all found in the menubar and accessed with a tap or two. iClock provides time, date, moon phase, support for Apple and Google calendar/events, alarms, chimes with included chime sounds, global scheduling of meetings, a pomodoro timer, world clock, floating clocks, app menu, stop watch, countdown, easy access and automation of light/dark mode, laptop alarm and customized printable personal calendars with photos all available with a tap on the menubar. Enjoy an increase in your productivity with iClock.

Info & Graphics Links for iClock

iClock Info Page

Download link for iClock – Enjoy trying all features free.

Screenshot 1 – Alarms preferences
Screenshot 2 –  Clicking on Time reveals this menu of cities/local time and instant ways to get various local info.
Screenshot 3 – Time Preferences.
Screenshot 4 – Take5 the pomodoro timer that reminds you get a little exercise and rest your eyes each hour.
Screenshot 5 – Set alarms right from the time menu.

iClock Icon

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About Plum Amazing

Plum Amazing, Llc is a privately held company dedicated to creating Mac, Windows, Android and iOS apps. Plum Amazing is a worldwide provider of mobile and desktop applications since 1995. Plum Amazing creates and sells software via it’s own, Google and Apple’s website but also does development work (programming) for other companies and clients especially in the area of photography. We have a passion for creating great products like CopyPaste, iWatermark, yKey, iClock, TinyAlarm, TinyCal, PixelStick, SpeechMaker, PhotoShrinkr and others. Copyright (C) 2020 Plum Amazing. All Rights Reserved.

Press Contact

Julian Miller
(650) 761-1370
[email protected]

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Plum Amazing, LLC