TinyAlarm – Alarm Clock Mac App (no longer supported, now FREE)

Price: 0.00
Version: 1.9.7
Latest: 2/4/20
Requires: Mac 10.9-15.3+

TinyAlarm – Powerful Customizable Alarms in the Menubar

Play a chosen sound (system sound, spoken by siri or recorded by you) some time in the future. Simple, no manual needed. Good for gaming, programming, not missing an appointment or timing the cooking of dinner so it doesn’t burn. Create alarms to use then with a click in the menu reactivate them anytime they are needed. Put the app in the cart and proceed like a regular purchase, no charge and license is sent to you.



TInyAlarm, Alarm Clock Mac App, Digital Mac Clock,

TinyAlarm – Alarm Clock Mac App

A tiny but powerful alarm for your menubar. Play a chosen sound (system sound, spoken by siri or recorded by you) some time in the future. Simple, no manual needed. Good for gaming, programming, not missing an appointment or timing the cooking of dinner so it doesn’t burn. Create alarms to use then with a click in the menu reactivate them anytime they are needed.

All of the configuration is done using the status menu item. Clicking around should reveal just about everything there is to know about Tiny Alarm. Please download and give it a try.

TinyAlarm will help you get exercise when at your desk for long periods, avoid missing your bus, burning your pizza, or showing up late for meetings.


TinyAlarm requires Mac Intel and OS X 10.5 or later.


TinyAlarm is shareware.


TeraTalks 4/14
McSolo 3/13

  • - fixed issue with setting time & date. after time was set changing date reset time to what it was previously, fixed. reported by a user. thanks vince
    - improvement in notarization
  • - issue with alarm on next day fixed.
    - compiling issue fixed
    - improved security.
  • - more changes to make the 'Take 5' component more like the one in iClock
  • - addition to menu of 'Take 5' start, stop and preferences.
    - 'take 5' fixed
  • - updated user interface
    - minor bug fix
    - updated and compiled in latest xcode
  • you may need to manually download this version and replace your old version. in future download and update will be easy.
    - improvement to time and date selection. can select days and other changes.
    - crash fixed.
    - check for updates (sparkle) now works.
    - other fixes to ui
    - misc. improvements.

    keep the suggestions coming. thanks to all users.
  • if you have an old version you may need to download the latest version manually from https://plumamazing.com
    - ui changes
    - sparkle will now do check for updates for future versions.
    - other misc. changes
  • - ui improvements and features added to take 5
    - added sounds to take 5
    - added more sounds to alarms
  • - take 5, the feature that acts like a pomodoro or break timer, is improved. ui better and bugs fixed.
    - alarms and take 5, from our tinyalarm app, are now both in iclock. iclock is our app for everything having to do with time. it is a utility to help people manage time.
    thanks for your feedback. let us know if you have suggestions.
  • - a few small fixes
  • - added multiple alarms
    - ui vastly improved
    - status/review report on alarm being set.
    - apple local notifications used. if you set an alarm and quit tinyalarms you will get in in the notifications right sidebar in 10.8
    - now has active and inactive alarms. inactive can be selected and used again.
    - added drop area for dragging sound and music from iTune or other applications.
    - Change prefs to report sound duration.
    - Added button in prefs to stop play sound.
    - Changed prefs to stop playing current sound, and play new sound.
    - Changed alarms so it stops playing sound when the alarm is cleared.
    - brand new icon and 1024 icon for retina display
    - signed for 10.8 to meet apple's security guidelines.
    - compiled in the latest xcode.
    - added speaking alarm name as sound alert
    - thanks to all users for the feedback. more coming soon....
  • - added drop area for dragging sound and music from iTune or other applications.
    - Change prefs to report sound duration.
    - Added button in prefs to stop play sound.
    - Changed prefs to stop playing current sound, and play new sound.
    - Changed alarms so it stops playing sound when the alarm is cleared.
    - 1024 icon for retina display
    - now signed for 10.8
    - thanks to all users for the feedback. more coming soon....
  • - a brand new icon
    - is signed and with gatekeeper following apples security guidelines.
    - thanks to all users for the feedback. more coming soon....
  • - sound working now even when 'repeat until clear' not checked.
  • [Fixed] select all, cut, copy, paste now works in Registation Dialog
    [Fixed] Added access to the iMovie sound effects (on every Mac) for alarms.

Manuals can also be found in the Help menu or ? icons within every app.

Version 1.5

Version 1.6

Version 1.7

Version 1.8.1

Version 1.9.2

is appreciateD

Thank you!

Plum Amazing, LLC