Press Release

Photography App of the Year, iWatermark+. Now Available for Android – Secure and Protect Your Social Media Photos

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DATE: November 16, 2015
Princeville, HI –  Plum Amazing, LLC. – iWatermark’s ability to create and use 5 subtle visible and 2 invisible watermarks to protect photos and videos helped it become number 5 of the top 100 mobile apps of the year. The results announced 1/5/15 can be found here:
“For years I’ve relied on iWatermark to allow me to easily put my logo on my images right on my iPhone or iPad. However, the newly released iWatermark+ takes this process to a whole new level.”
Photographer Terry White
Adobe Worldwide Creative Cloud Design Evangelist, Technology Guy, Gadget Guy and Best Selling Author.
The same iWatermark+ for iOS is now available for Android.
The Essential Android Watermarking App for Professional Photographers, Social Media, Business and Personal Use.
Easily, secure and protect your photos with a variety of watermark types both visible and invisible. Watermarks, once added to a photo, display that it is created and owned by you. Watermarking is increasingly important and is like signing your name to an image. A watermark can subtly display, no matter where your photo goes, that it’s yours. Visible watermarks can be used to add your email, url, a personal message, your signature, QR-codes or fun graphics. Invisible watermarks, like the unique Metadata and Steganographic ones in iWatermark can be used to add metadata or steganographic information like your name, link to your business and copyright info to any photo.
iWatermark+ is essential for photojournalists. Photojournalists need to add watermarks so they’re images don’t go viral before they appear in print.
Don’t settle for an ugly watermark or no watermark therefore no connection to you. iWatermark+ invisibly secures and protects your photos as intellectual property by adding subtle and/or invisible watermarks containing your business name, copyright info and/or link to your site. iWatermark+ is the first app to offer a selection of 2 invisible + 5 visible = 7 types of watermarks to fit different circumstances.
“There is no other software that comes anywhere close to the quality, diversity and ease of use as iWatermark+. Many thanks to Plum Amazing for this awesome tool.”
Photographer/Artist Harry Janssen – FNZIPP III
– Fellow of Photography
– Auckland Photographer of the Year 2011
– New Zealand Photographer of the Year 2013
– ADOBE Certified Photoshop Lightroom Expert
The only watermarking tool:
* No in app purchases!
* No ads!
* Available for a short introduction at $0.99 rising to $3.99.
* available for all 4 platforms iOS, Mac, Windows and Android.
* with 2 invisible + 7 visible = 9 watermark types. The 7 visible are text, text on an arc, bitmap, vector, border, signature, QR and the 2 invisible watermark types are metadata and steganographic.
* with easy access database of personal and public watermarks
* to easily select and use one or multiple watermarks simultaneously.
* with individual or batch watermarking of photos.
* that protects photos.
* emboss for text
* with hundreds of fonts. Fonts available at no extra cost.
* with signature scanner to import your signature or other graphic as a watermark. Sign your photos like the classic painters did.
* with live preview and adjusting of effects like scale, opacity, font, color, tint, size, position and angle.
* with steganographic watermarks that embed any info in the photo image and can be passworded.
* with optional PhotoShrinkr which optimizes the look and compression on export.
“iWatermark was the best and iWatermark+ is a HUGE step beyond that” – D. Gantz
Other features:
  * Touch gestures.
     ** Drag to adjust watermark location.
     ** Pinch/zoom to expand/contract the size of the watermark.
     ** Two fingers at once to rotate the watermark to any angle.
  * Create your own subtle watermarks or select from the included examples (both text and graphics).
  * Includes 55 high res examples. Both text (names, dates, tag data, etc.) and graphic (signatures, logos, etc.).
  * Import your own graphics by sending yourself an email with attached graphic.
  * Complete and easy in app manual.
  * Create a QR watermark which is like a barcode. QR codes can contain up to 4000 chars of information. QR codes can then be read with a scanner or smartphone with the right app revealing the info you encoded.
  * Share at full res to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Camera Album, Clipboard or Email (3 resolution options). Tumblr, Flickr, Pineterest, Evernote, etc supported via iOS 8 sharing extensions.
Why Watermark?
Digitally sign your photos/artwork with iWatermark to claim, secure and maintain your intellectual property and reputation.
– Photos go viral, then they fly off globally. Watermark with name, email or url so your photo has your visible and/or invisible credentials for a legal connection to you.
– Build your company brand, by having your company logo on all your images.
– Add visibly or invisibly your company, name, website, copyright info or creative commons watermarks.
– Avoid the surprise of seeing your photos and/or artwork elsewhere on the web or in an ad.
– Avoid the conflicts, costly litigation and headaches from plagiarists who claim they didn’t know that you created it.
– Avoid intellectual property (IP) squabbles.
– Get credit for your creations.
Price: $0.99 or Free Trial Version.
Requirements: Any Android Phone
iWatermark+ is an regular app that allows archiving and use of one or multiple watermarks simultaneously for individual or batch watermarking of photos. iWatermark+ is the only app with 9 types of watermarks, text, text on an arc, bitmap, vector, border, signature, QR, metadata and steganographic. Text watermarks can use tag metadata and have access to hundreds of fonts. Visible watermarks allow users to adjust scale, opacity, font, color, tint, size, position and angle. Besides the 5 visible watermarks there are 2 invisible watermarks which can embed a photographers credentials in the file and/or into the image data. Watermarks can be  shared at full res to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Camera Album, Clipboard or Email (3 resolution options). Tumblr, Flickr, Pineterest, Evernote, etc.
Download Free Version for Android (puts a small ‘Created with iWatermark+ on each photo)
Download Paid Version for Android
Download Paid Version for iPhone/iPad 
Download Mac or Windows versions and Overview
2 min video


plum amazing – essential apps

About Plum Amazing
Plum Amazing specializes in creating productivity and photographic software for OS X, iOS, Android and Windows. Plum Amazing is a privately held company located in the US but with offices globally. Among their most popular products are CopyPaste ®, iKey, iClock ®, iWatermark®, PixelStick, SpeechMaker and PhotoMatte. Plum Amazing is a worldwide provider of mobile and desktop applications since 1995.
For more information:
Press Contact
Julian Miller
[email protected]
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Plum Amazing, LLC