Press Release

iKey 2.5.1, yType 1.0 and CopyPaste Pro 3.1 Released. The Mac Productivity Trio


iKey 2.5.1, yType 1.0 and CopyPaste Pro 3.1 Released. The Mac Productivity Trio


May 23, 2011


Plum Amazing today announces new versions of the productivity software iKey, yType and CopyPaste Pro are now available as shareware and in the Apple Mac App Store

iKey Version 2.5.1 – Shareware version Info, Purchase and Download and iKey In the Mac App Store

CopyPaste 3.1 – Shareware version Info, Purchase and Download

yType 1.0 – Shareware version Info, Purchase and Download and yType in the Mac App Store


CONTEST: Like the Plum Amazing Facebook Page to win one of 10 items, either yType, CopyPaste, iClock, iWatermark Software or a Super-Juice Power Case for iPhone 4 Hardware. Hit the Like button on the Plum Amazing Facebook Page anytime between now and the contest end on June 1st, 2011 to enter. All fans on on June 1st will be entered in a random drawing and awarded 1 of the 10 prizes.


iKey is an automation utility, a program that creates shortcuts to accomplish repetitive tasks. In essence, an iKey shortcut is a little program in its own right, but you don’t need to know the first thing about programming to create an iKey shortcut. All you have to do is put together three necessary parts of a shortcut: One or more commands that give the shortcut its functionality, a context in which it runs, and a launcher that defines how the shortcut is activated. This easy to use macro/automation utility saves time, typing, and hundreds of clicks everyday. Avoid carpal tunnel, get more accomplished and have fun with iKey. An excellent manual written by Adam Engst is also included.

iKey Version Changes

– new icons and graphics by Italian artist Michele Zamparo, fixes, updated docs.


CopyPaste Pro is the latest incarnation of the one and only, award winning, easy to use, multiple clipboard editing, display and archive utility. Use the Clip Browser (horizontal browser) or Clip Palette (vertical browser) to see clips from different points of view. Use the ‘CopyPaste Tools’ to act on clipboard data in an instant. Save all clipboards through restarts. Don’t be limited to one clipboard and never lose a clip again. CopyPaste is a time saver/life saver for all Mac users from beginner thru advanced. Try CopyPaste Pro to expand the potential of your Mac.

CopyPaste Version Changes

– fully 64 bit, better French documentation and localization. For 10.5, 10.6 and higher. No longer for 10.4.


yType is a new productivity tool that runs in the background to amplify your typing ability. Type a few characters (which we call a shortcut) to paste a much larger block of text (called an expansion) like your name, a url, picture or even several pages of formatted text instantly anywhere on your Mac in any application. yType instantly makes any Mac user more productive.

Anyone can benefit from this software trio. They are especially useful for writers, designers, editors, musicians, podcasters, programmers, scientists, researchers, teachers, and students.

Plum Amazing





Press Release


iKey, yType and CopyPaste are productivity tools that runs in the background to amplify your abilities.


Plum Amazing (previously Script Software) is a privately held company dedicated to iPhone, Mac, Windows and mobile applications. Plum Amazing is a worldwide provider of mobile and desktop applications since 1995. Plum Amazing creates its own shareware and does contract programming for other companies.

Media pros for more information and a press review copy of our software, please contact us.

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Contact Information:

Julian Miller

Plum Amazing Software

Info at:

plum amazing – essential apps


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Thank you!

Plum Amazing, LLC