Press Release

iKey 2.5 Released Now Works with KeyCue to Displays All Shortcuts


iKey 2.5 Released Now Works with KeyCue to Displays All Shortcuts

DATE: December 12, 2010


Plum Amazing today announces iKey now works in conjunction with KeyCue to display shortcuts and hotkeys. iKey the best way to automate repetitive actions on the Mac. KeyCue the best way to display all hotkeys on the Mac.

iKey Version 2.5 Version Info, Purchase and Download


Plum Amazing today announces iKey now works in conjunction with KeyCue to display shortcuts and hotkeys

Overview & AutomationiKey is an automation utility, a program that creates shortcuts to accomplish repetitive tasks. In essence, an iKey shortcut is a little program in its own right, but you don’t need to know the first thing about programming to create an iKey shortcut. All you have to do is put together three necessary parts of a shortcut: One or more commands that give the shortcut its functionality, a context in which it runs, and a launcher that defines how the shortcut is activated.

“On the Mac there has always been a mystery what hotkeys are being used and for what purpose. KeyCue solves this mystery in a very elegant way, by showing all the available hotkeys in one place. iKey is software to automate a repetitive action or series of actions, called a shortcut, and assign it to a hotkey.Together the integration of KeyCue with iKey gives Mac users a boost in productivity. iKey owners get a way to see all their shortcut hotkeys in one place when they also use KeyCue. Together, KeyCue and iKey, are a great team.”Julian Miller, CEO, Plum Amazing

Together iKey and KeyCue offer greater power, control and automation for any Mac OS X program including Apple’s Final Cut Pro, iTunes, Garage Band and Aperture, and Adobe’s PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, ColdFusion and LightRoom.

“With KeyCue, it has always been possible to display and explore available shortcuts on your Mac. With iKey, you can automate repetitive actions by creating shortcuts. And now, starting with KeyCue 5.2 and iKey 2.5, KeyCue can display your iKey shortcuts,” said Günther Blaschek, CTO of Ergonis Software.

Anyone can benefit from this software duo. They are especially useful for designers, editors, musicians, podcasters, writers, programmers, scientists, researchers, teachers, and students.

This easy to use macro/automation utility saves time, typing, and hundreds of clicks everyday. Avoid carpal tunnel, get more accomplished and have fun with iKey.

An excellent manual written by Adam Engst is also included.

iKey makes it easy to launch applications, type text, open folders, enter dates, do system tasks, perform actions in the finder, move windows, mount servers, command dialogs, use the clipboard and much more. Combine these actions into sequences that can perform anything in any application or the Finder, then launch them via X-keys, a hotkey combination, menu item, timer, or button on a palette.

Do less and accomplish more with iKey and KeyCue.

Users Rave – “Without your software my days of replying to endless same question emails would become utterly monotonous – Thanks for freeing me of repetitive tasks” = Brent Hohlweg, Resident Manager, Strata Corporation

Review – gives iKey 4.5 out of 5 mice“Since I started using iKey, this gem has saved me up to an hour a week using shortcuts. Overall, I found the iKey to be reliable and very easy to use. For those looking for an affordable solution to creating shortcuts in Mac OS X, I highly recommend taking a look at iKey.”– James Richvalsky

Requirements:* Mac 10.5 or higher

Available Now.

Plum Amazing

iKey Version 2.5 Version Info, Purchase and Download


Plum Amazing (formerly Script Software) is a privately held company dedicated to iPhone/iPad, Mac, Windows and mobile applications. Plum Amazing is a worldwide provider of mobile and desktop applications since 1995. Plum Amazing creates and sells its own software but also does development work (programming) for other companies and clients. We have a passion for creating great products. Feel free to contact us if you have questions, need an app created or you want to partner with us. For additional information, please visit Plum Amazing. Copyright (C) 2010 Plum Amazing. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Julian Miller


Plum Amazing


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Plum Amazing, LLC