Press Release

CopyPaste Pro icon for Mac app with the same name. Icon is a clipboard with papers leaning to the left with command key/clover on top.

CopyPaste Pro 3.0 Released – Time Machine for the Clipboard


CopyPaste Pro 3.0 Released – Time Machine for the Clipboard

DATE: Feb 15, 2011


Plum Amazing has released a major update for CopyPaste, the extremely popular multiple clipboard utility.

Macs come with only 1 clipboard and every time you make a copy all previous clip info is lost forever. CopyPaste Pro changes that because it works in the background and remembers all copies and cuts creating a ‘Clip History’. The ‘Clip Archive’ is the place in CopyPaste Pro where permanent clips are kept.

Absolutely essential. I can’t count the number of times a day I use Copypaste. – James Fitz, CopyPaste User

Download CopyPaste Pro here:

CopyPaste Pro is the latest incarnation of the one and only, award winning, easy to use, multiple clipboard editing, display and archive utility. Use the new Clip Browser (horizontal browser) or Clip Palette (vertical browser) to see clips from different points of view. Use the ‘CopyPaste Tools’ to act on clipboard data in an instant. Save all clipboards through restarts. Don’t be limited to one clipboard and never lose a clip again. CopyPaste is a time saver/life saver for all Mac users from beginner thru advanced. Try CopyPaste Pro to expand the potential of your Mac, start doing less and accomplishing more.

More info:

copypaste slider

Online Manual and Screencasts

Newest Features:

[Add] Another major FREE update for CopyPaste Pro owners.
[Add] New clip format.
[Add] A search thru clips feature for the History and Archives. Find anything in any clip.
[Add] Added Clip Revolver feature. This feature existed in a much older version of CopyPaste. Users requested it so we implemented it. This is how it works: turn Clip Revolver on in the preferences and then command-option-v pastes and empties the last clipboard. This can be set in the preferences.
[Add] A copy of the last used clip either copied or pasted can be at the top of the History stack, so you can paste it again and again. This can be set in the preferences.
[Mod] The preview drawer has a new button menu which shows all of the different data types in a clipboard. If you select any of the data types, the data of this type is used to create a new clip on top of the history. Provided for information only.
[Fix] Enhanced extracting of e-mail addresses from clips.

CopyPaste is the original multiple clip utility for the Mac. CopyPaste has been massively popular since its first release. What has made it so widely appreciated? Usefulness. CopyPaste magnifies and multiplies the usefulness of the humble clipboard and it does it invisibly in the background.

One of the revolutionary features that came with the Mac in 1984 was the unique ability to select text or pictures, etc, then copy that data into a clipboard, to hold that content temporarily and then paste it in the same application or a different one. The clipboard was used to transfer all kinds of info between programs on the Mac, and later this feature was imitated in many other operating systems.

A few years later CopyPaste was the first to take that single clipboard and expand it to add multiple clipboards. This meant that more data could be moved in less time. CopyPaste also allowed these multiple clipboards to be displayed, edited, archived and saved through restarts. CopyPaste revealed the untapped potential of the Mac clipboard.

CopyPaste Pro Features:

* Multiple (unlimited depending on memory) clipboards available by hotkey, menu, contextual menu and clip browser.
* Save all clipboards thru restarts. Never lose an edit again. This alone is a savior.
* Clip History maintains a stack of cuts or copies and even drags.
* Clip Editor (Bean) allows immediate editing/saving of any clip and also is an excellent word processor which can work on MS Word Docs.
* Clip Archives to keep available info you use repeatedly
* The Clip Browser allow viewing the contents of any clipboard.
* Drag images from Safari directly into the clip history
* Clip Tools to act on clipboard data in dozens of useful ways that save time like: – Email extractor which grabs email addresses from large amounts of text – Url extractor grabs url’s from large chunks of text and many others
* Drag and drop any clip in the clip browser and to/from applications
* Contextual menus to give easy access to the clipboards from anywhere
* With the clip editor open text, PDF, RTF, HTML, Apple Archive and many other file types
* Easy ways to organize and make available all the clipboard data for reuse.
* Search through all clipboards.
* The optional Clip Revolver allows pasting the top clipboard then removing it from the stack so you can then paste the next clip down.
* The optional Clip Revolver allows pasting the top clipboard then removing it from the stack so you can then paste the next clip down.
* Many more features built in and more coming….
CopyPaste has been available for over a decade. Users of earlier versions can contact us to upgrade to the latest version.

It costs nothing to try it out and CopyPaste Pro will immediately prove itself by saving you time and energy. Try out CopyPaste Pro or any of our other software here:

plum amazing – essential apps

User Raves

Ain’t a Mac without it! – Michael Jay Warren

Absolutely essential. I can’t count the number of times a day I use CopyPaste. – James Fitz

Thanks again for a great and indispensable piece of software! I think it is FANTASTIC! – Dan Sanfilippo

Can’t live without it!!! Great product! It’s indispensable and thank you for developing it! – Roger Euchler

“I use CopyPaste Pro all the time! It’s the single most-important add-on software on my Mac! – Alán Apurim

CopyPaste Pro: once you try it, you wonder how could you live without it! – Prof. Dr. Gabriel Dorado, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics


CopyPaste Pro by Plum Amazing is a multiple clipboard, editing, display and archive utility. Version 3.0 is a major update and includes a new clipboard format which allows searching thru all clips. Several new features like Clip Revolver are included and the update is free for owners of CopyPaste Pro.


Plum Amazing (formerly Script Software) is a privately held company dedicated to iPhone, Mac, Windows and mobile applications. Plum Amazing is a worldwide provider of mobile and desktop applications since 1995. Plum Amazing creates and sells its own software like iKey, KnowledgeMiner, iWatermark, yType, etc. Plum Amazing also does development work (programming) for other companies and clients. We have a passion for creating great products. Feel free to contact us if you have questions, need an app created or you want to partner with us. For additional information, please visit Plum Amazing. Copyright (C) 2010 Plum Amazing. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Julian Miller


Plum Amazing


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Thank you!

Plum Amazing, LLC